Monday 28 February 2011

Third t-shirt

This is the third t-shirt design I have done. Although all designs are similar this so that they all follow the conventions of the band products.
This design has the same template but this time it has an image. The image was edited so that hte green that was behind it was removed and then the image was resized to fit on the t-shirt. However the image didn't properly fit so I used the clone stamp tool to fill in the gaps.

Second video shoot


Today we filmed more of our video, this was necessary because the footage taken before was a poor quality. During the filming I was the cameraman.

 This image I was trying to set up a solo mid shot of the guitarist.

 Here I was filming Kyle walking down an alleyway, this was a slow zoom out which led to mid shot.

 Here was a still shot of the zoom and track.

This shot was during Kyle was singing. To make lip syncing easier we made sure that Kyle had the song to sing along to.

 I used the top of a staircase that was on location to replace the Jib, a piece of equipment we didn't have because it is broken, this allowed us to get a high angle shot.

During the filming of this shot I tried to tell each member were to stand so that each could be seen in the footage.


The billboard advert I have produced  it part of a series I plan to create, each variation will feature in different cities that the band will appear in.
 This is the partly edited image that appears on both versions of the billboard.

To create this billboard, I began with a black rectangle to create the background and then created seperate layers for the custom brushes used also in the background. The main image was then placed and resized to fit the page and the faded brush in the foreground was put in a seperate layer.
This version will not be used because the colour scheme, although fitting with the band colours, was making the text unreadable.
This version is similar but some small changes have been made. The background shapes have had the opacity reduced and the stroke around the main text has been changed to white. Although the colour doesn't match the band colour scheme it allows the text to be easily read.

The second photo shoot


Today we undertook another photoshoot but this time rather than taking general shots we took photos specific to our tasks. During this shoot I was mainly the photographer and this time we used a green screen so that the images will be easier to edit, rather than use the black screen which matches the colours worn by the band.

 This image is an example of the types of shots we took. This image is one of many which feature the other members all facing the same direction.

 Here is another example of the range of images we took again the individual band members face the same direction.

 This image of the two guitarists was taken for the magazine cover that will be a special featuring The Fray.

 Here is again one of many shots similar however in each variation the band are using different expressions. These images may feature on the ancillary tasks.

This is an image of Kyle and myself putting the equipment up.

This photo shoot will be the last we undertake because the shots are now more specific to the tasks.

Second t-shirt

I have done a second design which links closer to the rest of the ancillary tasks. This t-shirt was created using the first design and this time I have used a custom brush and placed it on a seperate layer from the t-shirt so that it can be easily placed. The brush will be seen on most of the ancillary task from here on out, the similar brushes could be seen as a part of the logo.

T-shirt design

This is the first t-shirt design I have done. The image started as a template and I used the colour filler to turn the originally white templates to black. Then I used the magnetic lasso to create the yellow lines, the text was added using a text box and then I added a stroke.

I plan to produce more designs and will post them as soon as they are completed.

First video shoot


Today the group went out to film the first clips for the video, however I was unable to attend because I was away.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

The O2 Ticket

After the photo shoot I began to design the O2 ticket.

 This is the draft copy. The main image I used the magic wand tool and quick selection tool to remove the background. The background was a seperate image that was cropped and stretched.

This is the final ticket. The main image was edited again this time the band has been moved closer together, this was done by removing the member to the right. Along with main image the box to the left was made larger.

Our First Photo Shoot

Today we undertook the first photo shoot. I had the role of the photographer and below are some of the photos taken.

This shot was taken at a low angle and close to the guitar so that the elongated effect is given to the guitar.

 This photo was taken as a mid shot. However the image wasn't used because there is a band member missing.

This image was taken at as a mid shot and was intended to be used in the ancillary tasks, however the image was to bright and difficult to edit. 

This image was taken for the ticket but was not used because it was the wrong shot.

We will be undertaking more photo shoots and begin filming soon.