Monday 25 April 2011

Evaluation - Audience Feedback

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Throughout the development process audience and peer feedback has been an important factor to creating our video. We needed both because the audiences opinions would tells us if the video was appealing to watch or if it wasn't but peer feedback from other media students allowed for more technical criticism, by utilising both opinions it allowed our group to create a stronger video.

From our target audience we had often been told that the video may have been "to jumpy" or "the lip sync is out a little bit when he's singing" so after receiving this information we would return to the video editing machines and add transitions like cross dissolves so that the video flowed better or cut the clips so that the lip syncing is in time. 
The peer feedback we received could vary depending on who we asked some may have said "that transition doesn't fit" or "you should remove that zoom" these constructive criticisms gave use the chance to test new ideas and challenge our skills and build a better understanding of the program we were using.

Any feedback received helped to broaden and develop our ideas to create the final video and they also allowed our group to challenge ourselves in terms of difficulty of shots, the most difficult shot was the poster on the water shot but thanks to audiences telling us they liked that we then went to reedit or reshoot this footage.

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